Automatic discount for Green Award inland vessels

Since 1 January 2024, barges with a Green Award Gold or Platinum will automatically receive a discount on the Port of Antwerp-Bruges barge dues. This fits in with the port’s efforts to promote more environmentally friendly hinterland transport.
Discounts for environmentally friendly barges
Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ 2024 tariff regulations provide for discounts for environmentally friendly inland barges. The port thus rewards barge operators iwith greening efforts that go further than the industry standard or than required by law.
Automatic discounts via Green Award
One of the ways to prove that an inland vessel qualifies is to have an audit carried out by the Green Award Foundation. The result of the audit remains valid for three years.
Vessels that score “Gold” or “Platinum” on this audit will automatically receive a discount on port dues when they call at Port of Antwerp-Bruges. Vessels rated “Gold” receive a 10% discount, vessels rated “Platinum” receive a 15% discount. Currently, more than 150 barges calling Antwerp are already registered with the “Gold” or “Platinum” rating.
What is interesting for the barge operator is that the system is used in several ports so that he does not have to prove his vessel’s eligibility in every port. It was one of the reasons for which the inland navigation sector had been asking for a discount system based on Green Award certification.
Without Green Award, the barge operator has to provide all documents for each barge to prove the vessel’s eligibility for reduced port dues.
For Port of Antwerp-Bruges, the transparency of Green Award is an important argument for joining as an Incentive Provider.
“The collaboration with Green Award makes it possible to transparently map the sustainability efforts made by inland navigation operators. As a port, we are fully committed to sustainability, which is why we provide the necessary ‘nudging’. In our 2024 tariff regulation, we therefore provide automatic discounts for those inland barges that receive a ‘gold’ or ‘platinum’ qualification from Green Award.” – Annick De Ridder, Vice-Mayor of the City of Antwerp and President of the Board of Directors of Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Source: Port of Antwerp-Bruges