Bawat BaaS Helps Vessel with Urgent Ballast Water Treatment Need

A very recent case underscores the critical need for effective Ballast Reception Facilities in ports, where Bawat BaaS delivered a timely and cost-effective – Ballast as a Service – solution to a vessel facing deballasting challenges in Bremen Port.
Last week, a vessel attempting to deballast in Bremen Port found itself in a challenging situation. Despite an installed ballast water treatment system, the vessel could not deballast in compliance with IMO discharge standards and was faced with either leaving the port to perform a ballast water exchange outside 200 nm or have the water properly treated for discharge and thus very limited in taking on new cargo for next journey.

Bremen Port and Bawat BaaS
The vessel owner turned to Bawat BaaS for assistance, and in an impressive display of responsiveness, Bawat BaaS swiftly relocated a Mobile BWMS unit (Ballast Reception Facility) from Denmark to Germany. Within 24 hours the operation was underway to deballast the vessel through the Bawat BaaS mobile BWMS unit to approved discharge standards.
Bawat BaaS service allows vessels to discharge in a continuous one-pass flow through the Mobile BWMS unit in compliance with both IMO and USCG discharge standards.
The vessel owner expressed satisfaction, highlighting the significant time and cost savings achieved by opting for the Bawat BaaS service solution instead of a very costly delay in operations returning to a sea for ballast water exchange.

Bawat BaaS – Ballast as a service – Bremen Port
Newly appointed VP of Global Field Operations in Bawat BaaS, Chris Todd said: “This case sheds light on the fact that, despite installed BWMS equipment on many vessels, the discharge standards are not always being met. As enforcement continues to ramp up globally, it is important for vessel owners, port facilities, and regulators to know that Bawat BaaS can deliver a cost-efficient, compliant service alternative to deballast with our mobile BWMS solutionBawat BaaS is already in place in Western Europe and the US Gulf coast to supply Ballast as a Service. During 2024 more equipment will be made available in order to increase service levels and response time.”
Source: Bawat BaaS