Home / Recent Videos / Black Carbon, Scrubbers & the Arctic: Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing for IMO PPR 12 Shipping Meeting

Black Carbon, Scrubbers & the Arctic: Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing for IMO PPR 12 Shipping Meeting

Ahead of the IMO’s Pollution Prevention and Response sub-committee (PPR 12), which will meet from 27-31 January 2025, this online briefing will provide insights on the agenda, likely discussions and possible outcomes of importance to ship operations in the Arctic, including reducing black carbon emissions and discharges from exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers).


Bill Hemmings, Black Carbon Advisor: Reducing black carbon emissions

Eelco Leemans, Technical Advisor: Prohibiting the use of scrubbers

Sian Prior, Lead Advisor (Moderator)

Source: Clean Arctic Alliance

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