Brazil Record Soybean Crop Could Add Fuel to the Dry Bulk Market

Source: Intermodal
According to Intermodal’s Research Analyst, Mr. Fotis Kanatas, “taking a look at the Brazil – China soybean trade, we understand that the trade peaks at March and then there is a gradual decrease of soybean cargoes to China. This year, the flows are strong and above the 5-year-averages. For reference, March shipments were at 9,427kt, up 12.33% from the March 5-year-average of 8,392k, while April shipments so far stand at 3,714kt, which is roughly half the April 5-year-average of 7,511kt, according to Refinitiv data. The figures are already strong and since a shift of exports to the second half of the year is expected, it is worth monitoring if the flows will stay elevated and possibly supporting freight rates for bulk carriers trading in these two regions”.
Mr. Kanatas added that “at the other end of the trade, China is one of the world’s largest importers of soybeans and the largest importer of the Brazilian commodity. In 2022, soybeans were Brazil’s top export product, with China importing 70% of it, while soybean imports from Brazil to China have almost doubled in the last 10 years. To get a full picture of the trade and its future, the demand side needs to be assessed. The bean is mainly used as an ingredient in the production of protein for animal feed, an industry struggling with feed costs and turning to alternatives such as corn and wheat. However, soybean is expected to become an affordable feed option again in the second half of the year. Historically, hog prices are rising during Q2 and Q3 and breeders are expected to return to soybean as we enter the second half of the year”.

Source: Intermodal
“The competition between Brazil and the US to supply China amid the expected demand resurgence during the last six months of this year can possibly create opportunities for bulkers trading between the two regions”, Intermodal’s analyst concluded.
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide