China total fuel demand forecast to rise 2.3% to 393 mln tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research

China’s natural gas output to rise 8.2 % year-on-year to 187.5 bcm in 2020, said the think-thank at China’s largest energy producer, China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), on Monday.
China’s apparent crude oil demand to rise 3.6% year-on-year to 719 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
China forecast to add 27 million tonnes of new crude refining capacity in 2020 – CNPC Research
Crude throughput forecast to rise 3.9% year-on-year to around 675 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
Crude oil imports forecast to rise 4.4% year-on-year to 525 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
Total exports of refined oil products forecast to rise 18.1% year-on-year to exceed 64.5 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
Natural gas imports to rise 9.3 % year-on-year to 150 bcm in 2020 – CNPC Research
* LNG imports to rise 9.5% year-on-year to around 94 bcm in 2020 – CNPC Research
* Gasoline exports forecast to rise 35.39% year-on-year to 23.68 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
* Diesel exports forecast to rise 10.69% year-on-year to 25.8 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
* Kerosene exports forecast to rise 8.73% year-on-year to 15.07 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
* Crude oil output forecast to rise 1.57% year-on-year to 194 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
* Total fuel demand forecast to rise 2.3% year-on-year to 393 million tonnes in 2020 – CNPC Research
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Muyu Xu, Aizhu Chen and Shivani Singh; Eidting by Kim Coghill)