Crew changes

In view of potential infection risk, some terminals are very hesitant about allowing landward crew changes for sea-going and inland vessels. In consultation with a number of parties, including the terminals, ship’s agents, the inland shipping sector and the Port of Rotterdam Authority, it has been decided to execute these crew changes as far as possible via the landward side – provided this is done in a controlled fashion, of course.
This means that the general rules of physical distancing (maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people), hygiene and minimised contact with people and objects at the terminal and/or disinfection after possible interactions need to be observed at all times. These same rules also apply to the terminals’ own staff and suppliers. If the terminal operator determines that a landward crew change is absolutely out of the question, vessels may be assisted via the water. In collaboration with linesmen and the inland shipping sector, the parties may consider using car jetties for the procedure.
Source: Port Of Rotterdam