ENGINE: Europe & Africa Bunker Fuel Availability Outlook

Northwest Europe
VLSFO availability is said to be normal in the ARA bunkering hub. Lead times of 5-7 days are generally recommended for VLSFO deliveries there to ensure full coverage from suppliers, a source says. However, some suppliers can offer deliveries with shorter lead times.
HSFO and LSMGO availability is also normal in the ARA, the source adds. Recommended lead times for HSFO are 5-7 days, while LSMGO requires a shorter lead time of 3-5 days.
The ARA’s independently held fuel oil stocks averaged 15% higher in November than across October, according to Insights Global data.
The ARA’s fuel oil stocks in November increased to their highest monthly level since August. The region imported 210,000 b/d of fuel oil in November, down from 243,000 b/d imported in October, according to cargo tracker Vortexa.
The UK became the biggest fuel oil import source for the ARA hub, accounting for 20% of the region’s total fuel oil imports in November, followed by Turkey (17%) and Lithuania (8%). Other import sources were Sweden and Poland, both accounting for 6%.
Meanwhile, the ARA hub’s independent gasoil inventories — which include gasoil and heating oil — fell by 4% in November despite a rise in gasoil imports.
HSFO supply remains tight for delivery off Skaw. Lead times of 7-10 days are recommended for delivery there, a trader says. Meanwhile, availability of VLSFO and LSMGO grades is relatively better, requiring shorter lead times of 5-7 days.
Bunker fuel availability is said to be good in the German port of Hamburg. A trader recommends lead times of 3-5 days for optimal coverage from suppliers there.
Availability of all bunker fuel grades is said to be normal in Gibraltar. LSMGO and VLSFO grades are available for prompt delivery dates, with recommended lead times of 3-5 days for both grades, a source says. For HSFO, shorter lead times of 2-4 days are recommended.
Adverse weather conditions have prevailed in Gibraltar intermittently over the last week. Strong wind gusts of 20 knots are forecast to hit the port on Wednesday evening. Rough weather conditions are forecast on Friday as well, which could hamper smooth bunker deliveries there.
Bunkering remains limited off Malta due to adverse weather conditions. Bunker operations remained limited to less weather-prone bunkering area four out of the total six bunkering areas on Wednesday, according to the port agent MH Bland. Moreover, availability of all bunker fuel grades is said to be tight there and weather disruptions can cause more delays, a trader says.
Meanwhile, bunker fuel availability is normal across all grades in Istanbul, a source says.
Bunker fuel supply is also normal in the Greek port of Piraeus. But securing prompt deliveries can be slightly difficult there, a trader says.
Bunkering is progressing normally in the Portuguese ports of Lisbon and Sines, where supply of VLSFO and LSMGO grades is normal.
In South Africa’s Durban and Richards Bay, VLSFO availability is said to be normal. Lead times of 5-7 days are recommended for both grades, a source says.
LSMGO availability, however, remains tight in both ports. The grade’s deliveries are subject to enquiries there, the source adds.
Offshore bunkering in Algoa Bay has been suspended for three months now. Offshore deliveries there came to a halt in September after the South African Revenue Service (SARS) detained bunker barges over import duty disputes.
Negotiations between offshore bunker suppliers and authorities are underway. A decision is likely to be announced by mid-January, a port agent told ENGINE. However, bunker supply is available in the adjacent Port Elizabeth, where only one supplier is offering deliveries.
Meanwhile, availability of HSFO and LSMGO grades is good in Mozambique’s Nacala port, a source says. VLSFO supply is said to be tight there.
Prompt VLSFO supply has been tight in Maputo since last week, while LSMGO is more readily available there.
Source: ENGINE, By Manjula Nair, https://engine.online/news