ENGINE: Europe & Africa Bunker Fuel Availability Outlook

Northwest Europe
HSFO availability has improved in Rotterdam, a trader told ENGINE. HSFO supply was tight for very prompt delivery dates (0–2 days) last week, but supply has improved now. Some suppliers in the port experienced HSFO loading delays at oil terminals last week, which have now subsided, the trader added. Lead times of 3–5 days are advised for HSFO, according to a trader.
VLSFO and LSMGO availability remains normal in Rotterdam and in the wider ARA hub. Recommended lead times have stayed consistent over the last few weeks at 3–5 days.
The ARA’s independently held fuel oil stocks have averaged 9% lower coming into September than across August, according to Insights Global data.
The region has imported 99,000 b/d of fuel oil in September so far, significantly down from 223,000 b/d imported in August, according to data from cargo tracker Vortexa. The ARA has imported low-sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) and HSFO in a 56/44 ratio coming into this month, a slight change from the 53/47 ratio in August.
The UK has emerged as the ARA’s biggest fuel import source coming into this month, accounting for 48% of the total imports so far. Poland has ranked second so far this month, accounting for 44% of the ARA’s total imports, followed by Germany with 7% of the region’s total imports.
The ARA hub’s independent gasoil inventories — which include diesel and heating oil — have gained by 10% coming into this month. The region has imported 459,000 b/d of gasoil in September so far, up from 355,000 b/d of gasoil imported in August, according to Vortexa data.
Germany’s Hamburg port has good availability across all three grades, a trader told ENGINE. Availability is good for all grades and suppliers can supply for prompt delivery dates. Lead times of 3–5 days are recommended in the port, the trader added.
Bunker fuel availability is good across all three grades in Gibraltar port, a trader said. Suppliers can offer all three grades for prompt delivery dates. Lead times of 3–5 days are advised across all three grades, unchanged since last week.
Gibraltar was experiencing calm weather conditions on Wednesday, making it conducive to bunkering. But, wind gusts of 20-30 knots are forecast to hit the region on Friday and over the weekend, which could hamper bunkering in the port.
HSFO availability has improved in the Canary Islands’ port of Las Palmas. The port experienced HSFO tightness since mid-August, but supply has improved now. As a result, lead times have reduced from 5–7 days in the past few weeks to 3–5 days now. VLSFO and LSMGO availability is normal in the port, with lead times of 3–5 days recommended.
Adverse weather conditions between Wednesday and Sunday could impact bunkering in the area, a source said.
The Greek port of Piraeus continues to experience tightness for prompt HSFO and VLSFO supply, a trader told ENGINE. Lead times of 5–7 days are advised for both grades, similar to past weeks, the trader added. LSMGO availability is normal with lead times of 3–4 days recommended. Bunkering disruptions may occur between Wednesday and Saturday when bad weather is forecast in the porta area.
Malta Offshore also has tight availability of HSFO, with lead times of 4–6 days advised for the grade. VLSFO and LSMGO availability is normal in the port with lead times of 3–4 days recommended. Adverse weather may complicate deliveries off Malta between Wednesday and Saturday, a source said.
Bunker availability is normal across all grades in Turkey’s Istanbul port. Suppliers can offer prompt delivery dates for all three grades and lead times of 3–4 days are generally recommended, a trader said. Calm weather conditions are forecast for the rest of this week.
In South Africa’s Durban and Richards Bay, VLSFO continues to be tight for prompt delivery with lead times of 7–10 days recommended. In Durban, LSMGO is tight with some suppliers requiring lead times of up to two weeks for the grade, a trader said.
Weather-induced bunkering disruptions may occur in Durban on Wednesday when wind gusts of up to 22 knots are forecast.
In Mauritius’ Port Louis, lead times of over ten days are recommended for VLSFO and LSMGO, according to a trader. However, some suppliers can offer both grades for prompt delivery dates. Calm weather is forecast in Port Louis for the rest of the week, making it conducive to bunkering.
Algoa Bay’s offshore bunkering impasse has completed a year this month. In September 2023, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) suspended offshore bunkering after it detained bunker barges over import duty disputes. Bunker supply has since then been limited to in-port deliveries in the adjacent Port Elizabeth by a supplier — Africa Bunkering & Shipping (ABS).
Source: ENGINE, By Manjula Nair, https://engine.online/news