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EU 2023/24 soft wheat exports at 19.90 mln T by Feb. 13

Soft wheat exports from the European Union since the start of the 2023/24 season in July had reached 19.90 million metric tons by Feb. 13, data published by the European Commission showed on Tuesday.

The Commission said data was only available until Feb. 13 due to persisting technical issues.

Data for Ireland was still missing for the whole of the current season, while import figures for Bulgaria are missing since Jan. 10, the Commission said in its EU grain export and import update.

Data for Italy were not available for the first two weeks of February, it added.

The publication has been subject to repeated delays, some of which the Commission has attributed to problems receiving data from EU states, preventing like-for-like comparisons.

The cumulative soft wheat exports since the July 1 start of the season up to Feb. 13 compared with 20.79 million tons for the period to Feb. 19, 2023.

EU 2023/24 barley exports were put at 3.54 million tons by Feb. 13, against 3.95 million tons by Feb. 19 last season.

EU maize imports this season had reached 10.89 million tons by Feb. 2, compared with 18.85 million tons by Feb. 19 in 2022/23.
Source: Reuters (Reporting Clement Martinot and Sybille de La Hamaide; Editing by Sharon Singleton)

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