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Singapore Airshow 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Singapore

The Singapore Airshow 2020 flying rehearsals and displays will be held off Changi International Airport on the following dates and times:

06 Feb 2020
1030H – 1120H Flying Practice

07 Feb 2020
1030H – 1130H Flying Practice

08 Feb 2020
1030H – 1140H & 1400H – 1415H Flying Practice

09 Feb 2020
1030H – 1155H Rehearsal

10 Feb 2020
1030H – 1145H Rehearsal

11 Feb 2020
1230H – 1355H Flying Display

12 Feb 2020
1130H – 1240H Flying Display

13 Feb 2020
1130H – 1220H Flying Display

15 Feb 2020
1130H – 1210H & 1430H – 1510H Flying Display

16 Feb 2020
1130H – 1210H & 1430H – 1510H Flying Display

For the rehearsals and displays, a line, of approximately 870m long, consisting of 6 floating platforms of 20m x 4m each will be deployed within the prohibited area as demarcated in the attached chartlet (HY Code AA1909619). Each floating platform consists of stanchions of 1.2m height with banners secured facing the Changi Exhibition Centre. These individual platforms are linked by ropes 80m to 100m apart. The two ends of each floating platform will be marked with safety lights at night. The floating platforms will be placed in position from 03 Feb 2020 till 18 Feb 2020. Vessels are required to keep clear of these floating platforms.

For safety reasons, all vessels are required to keep clear of the sea area within a radius of one nautical mile (1852m) from the centre of the floating platform as demarcated in the attached chartlet (HY Code AA1909519) during the flying practices, rehearsals and display times as indicated above. MPA craft will be in attendance to direct vessel traffic.

Masters, owners and agents of vessels of 2,000 GT and above or with a height exceeding 30m above the waterline, are reminded of the requirement to comply with the VHF reporting procedures for vessels manoeuvring in the East Johor Strait. (Please refer to Port Marine Circular No. 3 Of 2016 – VHF Radio Telephone Reporting Procedures For Vessel Manoeuvring Within The Traffic Information Area (TIA) In The East Johor Strait).

(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.003 of 2020

Measures to prevent spread of coronavirus
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, South Africa

South African ports are issuing instructions about additional measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Durban Port Health has advised that all vessels arriving directly from China will be brought under quarantine as a precautionary measure to prevent the possible spread of infection due to the fact that carriers of the corona virus can be asymptomatic.

The Harbour Master at Cape Town has issued instructions about the procedures, as follows:

  • Prior to boarding a vessel, Port Control should be contacted to confirm Free Pratique has been received and enquire about the last three ports of call. Security to also check with ISPS pre-arrival notification.
  • Upon boarding, Health Status of crew to be conformed with the Master.
  • For high risk vessels (those that have been to China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United States potts), boarding officers to wear face mask and gloves.
  • For the warning period, all South African citizens should refrain from consuming foods or liquids on board vessels from high risk areas. Gifts of food should not be accepted.
  • All off port limit crew from affected areas to be carefully screened – no crew to be taken off vessel without Port Health clearance.
  • Port Health declaration also required for all Off Port Limit transfers.
  • Medical evacuations from vessels from affected areas to be screened by Port Health before the person is taken off the vessel.
  • Captain to confirm in writing stowaway sweep was conducted before departing last port. Stowaway search may be requested when alongside, at the vessel’s cost, using specialist companies whose staff have undergone Corona Virus Disease training and/or awareness.
  • Security to inform Port Control of any reported stowaways from vessels calling from affected areas. If reported, vessel must remain at anchor until cleared by Port Health for entry or advised otherwise.
  • Masters must report stowaways on board if vessel calling from an affected area. Vessel to remain at anchor until stowaways are examined and cleared by Port Health or otherwise advised.
  • Strict gangway watches to be maintained at all times.
  • All involved in evacuation of infected crew or stowaways must be trained by Port Health on Corona Virus.
  • Separate lists of vessels calling from Corona-affected areas to be maintained for record purposes.
  • All galley waste of vessels from affected areas to be incinerated and should not be accepted ashore.
  • Additional security to be deployed by the agent for contaminated vessels and no-one to be allowed on board a contaminated vessel except Port Health. Only after clearance can anyone be permitted to enter the vessel.
  • If possible, contaminated vessels should be allocated an isolated berth away from other vessels.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in South Africa, contact GAC South Africa at [email protected]

Procedure to prevent spread of Corona Virus
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Namibia

The Namibian Ports Authority has issued a memorandum advising of measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus outbreak.

The procedure is as below:

  • Prior to boarding a vessel, Port Control should be contacted to confirm Free Pratique has been received and enquire about the last three ports of call. Security to also check with ISPS pre-arrival notification.
  • Upon boarding, Health Status of crew to be conformed with the Master.
  • For high risk vessels (those that have been to China), boarding officers to wear face mask and gloves.
  • All off port limit crew from affected areas to be carefully screened – no crew to be taken off vessel without Port Health clearance.
  • Port Health declaration also required for all Off Port Limit transfers.
  • Medical evacuations from vessels from affected areas to be screened by Port Health before the person is taken off the vessel.
  • Captain to confirm in writing stowaway sweep was conducted before departing last port. Stowaway search may be requested when alongside, at the vessel’s cost, using specialist companies whose staff have undergone Corona Virus Disease training and/or awareness.
  • Security to inform Port Control of any reported stowaways from vessels calling from affected areas. If reported, vessel must remain at anchor until cleared by Port Health for entry or advised otherwise.
  • Masters must report stowaways on board if vessel calling from an affected area. Vessel to remain at anchor until stowaways are examined and cleared by Port Health or otherwise advised.
  • Strict gangway watches to be maintained at all times.
  • All involved in evacuation of infected crew or stowaways must be trained by Port Health on Corona Virus.
  • Separate lists of vessels calling from Corona-affected areas to be maintained for record purposes.
  • All galley waste of vessels from affected areas to be incinerated and should not be accepted ashore.
  • Additional security to be deployed by the agent for contaminated vessels and no-one to be allowed on board a contaminated vessel except Port Health. Only after clearance can anyone be permitted to enter the vessel.
  • If possible, contaminated vessels should be allocated an isolated berth away from other vessels.

For information about operations in Namibia, contact GAC Namibia at [email protected]

Coronavirus outbreak response
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Australia

Outbreaks of the coronavirus infections among people are a public health concern and there is growing evidence that the virus can spread from person to person in the community. Cases have been reported in several Asian and other countries including Australia. The situation is evolving rapidly.

The World Health Organisation and various health authorities, including Australia, are monitoring the situation and providing regular updates and along with factsheets with measures to minimise the spread of the virus.
For the Australian Department of Health with updates on the virus, go to


As a part of pre-arrival reporting to Biosecurity (AQIS) Masters are required to include a Human Health Update. It is mandatory for vessel Masters to submit this update. This update reports any crew, passengers, etc that are unwell. The update is vetted by biosecurity who then make a call if there is a health issue on board and what actions may need to be taken.

A number of Australian ports have additional requirements. All ports will ensure that their local requirements are advised to Masters prior to arrival in the respective port.

For further details and updates, including additional measures at specific ports, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

Temperature screening at sea checkpoints
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Singapore

As part of government’s measures in response to the novel coronavirus pneumonia development, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has implemented temperature screening at all sea checkpoints, including ferry and cruise terminals, PSA Terminals and Jurong Port, for inbound travellers from 24 January 2020, 1200 hours onwards.

Travellers and ship crew arriving at sea checkpoints will undergo temperature screening conducted by onsite healthcare assistants. Suspect cases will be referred to the hospitals for further assessment.

MPA has put up health advisories at the sea checkpoints to advise travellers and ship crew on the precautionary measures to take when travelling, as well as to remain vigilant and adopt good hygiene practices at all times.

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore release dated 24 January 2020

Additional extension of New Year holiday
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Xiamen, China

Further to the news that the Lunar New Year holiday has been extended in various regions to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, the holiday has been extended for Xiamen until 9 February.

For information about operations in China, contact GAC China at [email protected]


Source: GAC

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