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Prevention and spread of 2019-nCoV
Monday, February 3, 2020, Philippines

The World Health Organization declared the 2019-nCoV as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern as of January 30, 2020. All airports and seaports of the Philippines are on heightened alert for the entry and spread of the novel coronavirus in our country.

The Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) will be implementing the following guidelines at all seaports for all arriving maritime vessels:

  1. All vessels for or had port calls in China in the past two (2) months must be boarded at designated Quarantine Anchorage. Direct-berthing privileges for these vessels are temporarily suspended.
  2. Vessels cleared at first port of entry but calling another local port within two-week period from China are required to submit another Maritime Declaration of Health to the Quarantine Medicial Officer upon entry to the next local ports.
  3. Disembarkation of crew in Philippine ports will be allowed if attested through a list to be submitted by ship master that they did not disembark in the past two weeks at any ports in China.
  4. Garbage disposal of food products, especially form animal products, are not allowed in Philippines ports.
  5. All cruise ships with passengers from Hubei, China and areas directly affected by Chinese authority are not allowed to dock at any Philippine port.
  6. All cruise ships allowed to dock must declare all travel itineraries/excursions in the Philippines.

(For information about operations in the Philippines contact GAC Philippines at [email protected])

Source: Republic of the Philippines Department of Health Bureau of Quarantine Memorandum Circular No.2020-02 dated 31 January 2020

Maritime Declaration of Health
Monday, February 3, 2020, Singapore

This circular brings to the attention of the National Environment Agency’s (Port Health Office) requirements to submit the Maritime Declaration of Health to the Port Health Office.

These requirements are applicable for:
a) all arriving vessels that have called at ports in China in the past 14 days; OR
b) all arriving vessels with crew/passengers who have travelled to mainland China in the past 14 days.

This declaration is part of the measures to prevent the spread of Wuhan coronavirus (2019-nCoV) into Singapore and will come into effect from 01 Feb 2020, 2359h. It must be submitted to the National Environment Agency’s (Port Health Office) 24 hours before arrival at Singapore Port.

These requirements are listed in National Environment Agency’s (Port Health Office) circular.

The master of the ship is recommended to implement the following additional precautionary measures:

  • Educate crew/passengers of the symptoms of 2019-nCoV, which are:
    – Fever;
    – Runny nose;
    – Cough; and
    – Shortness of breath
  • Carry out daily temperature checks for all crew/passengers at least twice a day;
  • Isolate unwell crew/passengers when his/her temperature is above 38 degree Celsius. The unwell crew should also wear a mask;
  • Disinfect common areas and rooms in the vessel before arrival in Singapore. The disinfection may be conducted by the ship’s crew en-route to Singapore. You can refer to the Interim Guidelines for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection of Areas Exposed to Confirmed Case(s) of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Non-Healthcare Commercial Premises prepared by NEA for guidance on the disinfection protocols, if needed.

(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.02 of 2020 dated 1 February 2020

Extension of precautionary measures
Monday, February 3, 2020, Singapore

Since 24 January 2020, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has implemented temperature screening at all sea checkpoints, including ferry and cruise terminals, PSA terminals and Jurong Port, for inbound travellers. MPA has also put up health advisories at the sea checkpoints to inform travellers and ship crew on the precautionary measures to take when travelling, as well as to remain vigilant and adopt good hygiene practices.

Some shipping companies have taken additional precautionary measures such as disallowing shore leave for personnel in China ports, mandatory temperature checks, keeping a log of crew movements and restricting staff travel to China.

In line with Singapore Ministry of Health’s (MOH) press release dated 31 January 2020 (Annex 1), the MPA will extend the precautionary measures to include passengers and crew members with recent travel history to mainland China within the last 14 days, as well as ships whose previous ports of call in the last 14 days included mainland China. This will take effect from 1 February 2020, 2359h.

Ships can continue to berth at terminals to carry out operations.

MPA advises the shipping community to adhere closely to the health advisory in Annex 2. The National Environment Agency’s (NEA) Port Health requires all arriving vessels with crew and passengers that have called at ports in mainland China in the past 14 days to submit the Maritime Declaration of Health Form. MPA also urged all crew members on-board to have their temperature taken twice a day. There are also guidelines on how to isolate unwell crew and passengers. For guidance on the disinfection protocols of common areas and rooms in the vessel, please refer to the NEA’s website for the Interim Guidelines for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection of Areas Exposed to Confirmed Case(s) of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Non-Healthcare Commercial Premises, if needed. If any of their crew or passengers are unwell, they should report the incident to the Marine Safety Control Centre at 6325 2488/2489.
Managers/supervisors of terminal operators, agents, contractors and service providers are to take note of the health advisory in Annex 3 and bring it to the attention of staff who are required to work on board ships.

Ship owners, managers, operators, agents and masters of Singapore-registered vessels should monitor the health of their crew closely. Masters of such vessels are required to report to their company, MPA and destination port authorities, if their crew are unwell, experience respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose, shortness of breath) or feel feverish. They should also make the necessary arrangements to seek medical attention. Refer to the health advisory in Annex 4.

MPA-licensed regional ferry operators have been conducting outbound temperature screenings to ensure no febrile passengers board the ferries. In addition, the ferry operator will disinfect the ferry after every trip.

PSA and Jurong Port are also taking precautionary measures for employees returning to Singapore from mainland China. Some of these measures include allowing eligible staff to telecommute and providing frontline staff with paid Leave of Absence where they are unable to work remotely.

(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.02 of 2020 dated 1 February 2020

Southwest Pass recommended draft limitation
Monday, February 3, 2020, New Orleans, United States

Effective 10:00 hours on January 31st, 2020, the Associated Branch Pilots recommend rescinding the time restrictions put in place for vessels with draft greater than 38’ due to flocculation.

For information about operations in the United States contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: Port of New Orleans Associated Branch Pilots Notice dated 31 January 2020

New Year holiday further extended
Monday, February 3, 2020, Tianjin/Chengdu/Beijing, China

Further to the news that the Lunar New Year holiday has been extended in various regions to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, the holiday has been further extended for Tianjin, Chengdu and Beijing until 9 February.

For information about operations in China, contact GAC China at [email protected]

Immigration for ships with last port of call in China
Monday, February 3, 2020, Singapore

From 1 February 2020, 2359 hrs, all new visitors with recent travel history to mainland China within the last 14 days will not be allowed entry into or transit through Singapore. The issuance of all forms of new visas and visa-free transit facility to those with PRC passports will be suspended with immediate effect.

The above measures are applicable to all travellers including crew members arriving with vessels and crew members who are signing on/off vessels calling Singapore.

Vessels that depart from China and proceed directly to Singapore are still able to enter Singapore harbour limits for their intended operations, such as loading of stores, provisions, bunkering, loading, discharging cargo operations. However, such vessels’ entire crew on board will be issued a Not To Land (NTL) status by immigration. NO SIGN-OFF WILL BE PERMITTED in Singapore if vessel’s last port of call was from China.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected]

Novel Coronavirus precautions update (3 February 2020)
Monday, February 3, 2020, Australia

The Australian Border Force advises that any foreign travellers who have left or transited through mainland China on or after 1 February 2020 will be refused entry to Australia, in order to minimise the potential spread of Novel Coronavirus.

Whilst air crew and cruise ship crew are exempt from these restrictions, commercial vessel crew that hold MCVs are NOT exempt. This should not impact any vessels which have already left their last port and currently on the way to Australia, but any vessel yet to leave their last foreign port may be subject to the above restrictions. This advice is to be immediately passed on to all vessels which have yet to leave their last port and will be travelling to Australia over the next 14 days. It is our understanding that if a vessel that left mainland China on or after 1 February 2020 will be quarantined until 14-day period has passed. If no illness is reported vessel will proceed as normal. If sickness is noted Quarantine will be restarted for a further 14 days.

As a part of pre arrival reporting to Biosecurity (AQIS) Masters are required to include a Human Health Update at least 12 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival into Australian territorial waters. This update reports any crew, passengers, etc that are unwell. The update is vetted by biosecurity who then make a call if there is a health issue on board and what actions may need to be taken. It is requested that factsheets (Department of Health Novel Coronavirus Information Sheet for Border Staff and Department of Health Novel Coronavirus Information Sheet for Travellers) to vessel masters and crew following the lodgement of pre-arrival reporting. A copy of the factsheet is available at https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-information-for-travellers-arriving-in-australia-from-china-zhi-cong-zhong-guo-di-ao-lu-ke-you-guan-xin-xing-guan-zhuang-bing-du-de-xin-xi

QUEENSLAND PORTS (Cape Flattery, Cairns, Mourilyan, Lucinda, Townsville, Abbott Point, Mackay, Port Alma, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Brisbane)
Queensland’s Vessel Traffic Services require all foreign trading ships scheduled to arrive at Queensland ports to provide the following information (2 hours prior to embarking a Pilot):
* Report if any Crew Member has visited the Hubei Province in China past 14 days
* Report if any Crew Member or passenger has visited mainland China since 1 February 2020
* Report if any Crew Member is showing any of the Novel Coronavirus symptoms that include fever, flu-like symptoms cough, sore throat, headache or difficulty breathing. Ships MUST provide this information to VTS 2-3 hours prior to embarking a Pilot and/or going to anchor, and with the Reef VTS Pre-Entry report (1 hour prior to entering the Reef VTS area).

If answers to all above questions are NO, MSQ will then inform all parties including Marine and Reef Pilots, port authority and ships agent of the clear declaration.

If the answer is YES to any question for inbound vessels to a port or anchorage, VTS is to advise the respective Regional Harbour Master (RHM) immediately and follow any instructions given. If the answer is YES to any question for vessels picking up Reef Pilot, Reef VTS is to notify the pilotage provider immediately, Regional Harbour Master Townsville, and AMSA.

Any crew member identified as having visited Hubei Province, China within the past 14 days OR having visited mainland China since 1 Feb will be asked report to the Captain and to self-isolate on board the vessel for the period of their stay in the Australian port or for a period that spans 14 days since leaving the province or mainland China (whichever is shortest). Such crew members are not to have personal interaction with Australian based maritime industry staff.

Confirmation emails sent to MSQ VTS need to be forwarded to Abbot Point terminal. Crew originating from China, to wear approved PPE including face masks.

Until further notice it is requested that Masters provide previous 3 discharge ports (in order) and Crew Nationality. Any vessels which have called in China during their previous 3 voyages forward Border Force Form 13’s. For vessel flagged as per point 1. DBCT Shipping Officers will not be boarding these vessels on berthing or sailing. All commercial documentation will continue to be produced for these shipments as such:
– Notice of Readiness emailed to Ships Masters for signing ahead of berthing (Or signed by the Ships Agent)
– Shippers Declaration (DBCT to email signed copy to Master ahead of berthing)
– Load Sequence (Master to sign and email)
– Ship-loading Authority ((Master to sign and email)
– SOF (On completion of loading DBCT will email a signed copy of the SOF which the Master will in-turn email a signed and stamped copy prior to the vessel departing)
– Mates Receipt (On completion of loading DBCT will email a signed copy of the SOF which the Master will in-turn email a signed and stamped copy prior to the vessel departing
– BOL’s (Following sailing, BOLS to be signed by Agents once released)
– Manifest (Following sailing, Manifest/s to be signed by Agents or by Master and emailed)
– Stow Plan (emailed to Master prior to sailing)

It is also requested that Ship crew wear gloves during the mooring and unmooring operations when passing lines to tugs, lines boat and shore line crew. Interaction on board is to be minimised to ensure only key personnel are present in the clean and sterilised Ships Office (Master and the Chief officer). It is requested that these personnel are wearing a mask.

Shell QGC LNG Terminal – Questionnaire to be completed and sent to Prelude prior to vessel arrival.
Supply copy of the vessel’s quarantine clearance
Have any crew been in high risk locations* in the last 14 days?
In the last 14 days have any crew had close contact with people, who themselves, had been in a high-risk location in the fortnight previously?
Have any crew had close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
(Only for when there is a ‘yes’ answer to any of the above 3 questions)
Do the crew who meet at least one of the above 3 criteria have a fever, cold or flu symptoms?
Have any crew been in medium risk locations* in the last 14 days?
Do any crew have fever, cold or flu symptoms?
Does the Master have any other concerns about coronavirus risk for his/her crew?

NEW SOUTH WALES PORTS (Newcastle, Sydney, Port Kembla, Eden)
Masters of all ships due to arrive at our ports are required to declare their last 5 ports of call and confirm that they have no crew members showing symptoms of the novel coronavirus on-board; Where novel coronavirus is evident, Port Authority employees will not be required to board the vessel; and, Port Authority will delay pilotage services to ships that have transited directly from China, which have been at sea for less than the 14-day quarantine period.

Mid-West Port Authority are asking all vessels to confirm that all crew are all in good health and that no crew are suffering from any symptoms that may be related to the Coronavirus. Common signs observed in people infected by 2019-nCoV are: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, Pneumonia, Severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Email confirmation from the Captain to the Marine Department ([email protected]) will be required 24 hours before Pilot on Board.

ABF Ship Pre-Arrival Report Form 13 to ABF please copy in the AMSA Port Hedland office.

Questionnaire to be completed and sent to Prelude prior to vessel arrival.
Supply copy of the vessel’s quarantine clearance Have any crew been in high risk locations* in the last 14 days?
In the last 14 days have any crew had close contact with people, who themselves, had been in a high-risk location in the fortnight previously?
Have any crew had close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
(Only for when there is a ‘yes’ answer to any of the above 3 questions)
Do the crew who meet at least one of the above 3 criteria have a fever, cold or flu symptoms?
Have any crew been in medium risk locations* in the last 14 days?
Do any crew have fever, cold or flu symptoms?
Does the Master have any other concerns about coronavirus risk for his/her crew?

Inpex terminal – self-assessment form to be completed, signed and dated by the Master of vessels intending to load at the FPSO Ichthys Venturer and Bladin Point Marine Terminals. This should accompany the 96hr arrival notification.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]


Source: GAC

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