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International law crucial for robust shipping sector, says Hadjimanolis in Athens

Deputy Minister of Shipping Marina Hadjimanolis on Thursday, during her visit to Athens, highlighted the importance of cooperation, compliance, and the implementation of international law to strengthen a resilient maritime industry.

The minister’s comments were delivered during a discussion on shipping challenges organised by the newspaper Akti Miaouli, which coincided with Cyprus’ participation in the Posidonia 2024 shipping exhibition.

Hadjimanolis addressed the impact of recent geopolitical developments on maritime trade in Cyprus and Greece.

Moreover, she stressed the need for international solutions to enhance the resilience of the shipping industry through collaboration and adherence to international law.

The event also extensively discussed the transition to “green” shipping based on the timelines set by the International Maritime Organisation. Greek Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Christos Stylianides, called decarbonisation “the great challenge of the future.”

Hadjimanolis emphasised Cyprus’ competitiveness in Europe, highlighting the shift to green technologies within a supportive framework.

In addition, she mentioned Cyprus’ focus on environmental incentives for new technologies that can yield tangible results.

The discussion also covered Cyprus’ emerging role in shipping and maritime education, particularly for the youth, exploring ways to promote maritime careers in Greece and Cyprus.

Regarding Cyprus-Greece cooperation within a communal or bilateral framework, Hadjimanolis spoke about developing joint actions and initiatives to create prospects for sustainable operation of the Cyprus-Greece maritime passenger link, as well as enhancing collaboration and knowledge exchange on the digitalisation of ship registries.

On the role of women in shipping, Hadjimanolis expressed satisfaction with the efforts of both the Deputy Ministry of Shipping and the Christodoulides administration towards gender equality.

In this context, she referenced the Gender Equality Award in Cypriot Shipping, first awarded in May.

Hadjimanolis underscored the strength of Cypriot shipping, stating that “this strength allows us to have a strong voice, to participate constructively and productively in shaping policies, always aiming for the sustainable development of global shipping, with positions based on timeless principles and values”.
Source: Cyprus Mail

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