Kuwait Raises ISPS Level 2

The Ministry of Communications in the state of Kuwait’s has released a Ministry Resolution increasing the ISPS level for all poets within Kuwait to ISPS L2
”Minister of State for Services Affairs:
• After reviewing the constitution:-
• Amiri Decree issued on 12/8/1986 concerning the functions of the Ministry of Transportation
• Amiri Decree No. 5 in 2017 concerning the functions of the Minister of State for Services Affairs
• Council of Ministers No.1003 Decision No. 2/64 held on 23/11/2009 on the formation of the Standing Committee to follow up and implement the International Code of the Security of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS Code)
• Ministerial Decision No. 700 of 5/8/2018 on the Restructuring of the Standing Committee for the Follow-up of the Implementation of the International Ship Security Code and the Port Facility
• Recommendation of the Standing Committee for the implementation of the International Code of Security of Ships and Port Facilities, based on the proposal of the Undersecretary
Decisions taken:
1. Security level at all Kuwait ports is raised from Level 1 to Level 2 (ISPS code)
2. Kindly inform all Vessels that are under your agency to cooperate immediately
Source: Dryad Global