Maersk and Hapag Lloyd Tout Sustainability, But Their Agreement Still Runs on Dirty, Fossil Fuels

San Francisco Offshore Energy reported that industry giants Hapag-Lloyd and Maersk have signed an agreement for a new long-term operational collaboration called ”Gemini Cooperation,” which will start in February 2025.
The following statement is from Jonathan Butler, Pacific Environment’s Climate Campaign Manager for Corporate and lead representative of the Ship It Zero campaign:
“Pacific Environment’s Ship It Zero campaign welcomes the collaboration between Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd as a step toward greater operational efficiency in global shipping. By improving networks and pooling resources, partnerships like this can take valuable steps towards reducing fuel consumption and emissions. However, real progress requires a shift away from fossil fuels, not just efficiency in how the carriers operate. The Ship It Zero coalition remains very concerned about the potential use of LNG ships and long-term use of biofuels over cleaner alternatives.
“While it’s encouraging to see major carriers prioritizing efficiency through industry collaboration and sustainability, for the sake of the climate and portside communities, the maritime industry cannot continue to depend upon LNG. It’s still a fossil fuel that emits methane — a potent greenhouse gas. To truly decarbonize shipping, we need a full transition to zero-emission fuels, not just a bridge to more fossil fuel dependence. Hapag-Lloyd must drop their focus on LNG and truly commit to clean, zero-emission shipping.”
“LNG is a dangerous climate pollutant that poses risks to public safety and public health. Polling shows that people think “natural gas” is a clean energy source. The reality: it’s not. LNG is composed mostly of methane. Methane is 80 times more potent at warming our atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Methane pollution is responsible for half a million premature deaths each year.
“Decarbonizing the shipping industry is urgent. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a warning that the window to maintain the Paris Accord’s 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) global heating trajectory is closing. Global climate emissions must be cut 43% from 2019 levels by 2030. This is why Ship It Zero is demanding major retailers lead the way by sailing their goods on zero-emission ships by 2030.”
Source: Pacific Environment