Scrubber wastewater debate at IMO PPR
The 11th meeting of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 11) was held from 19 to 23 February and was attended by Rhona Macdonald and Bruce Anderson (Starcrest). The key agenda item of note for ports was the further developments on the evaluation and harmonisation of the rules and guidance on the release of discharge water from exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS – also known as ‘scrubbers’) into the aquatic environment. The Sub-Committee recalled that the target completion year of this output was previously extended to 2025, thus adding additional pressure to finalise decisions on regulatory matters. Tasked to identify and develop, as appropriate, regulatory measures and instruments, the sub-committee discussed several submissions which highlighted significant diverging views amongst delegations on the need for more stringent regulations on the discharge of EGCS discharge water.
Whilst some argued that there was growing scientific evidence of the harmful effects of EGCS discharge water and a need to amend MARPOL Annex VI to allow coastal States to regulate the use of EGCS in national waters, others opposed proposals to tighten regulations, noting that this was unduly penalise compliant ships and that further scientific research into possible negative environmental impacts was required. Given these diverging views, the Sub-Committee, ultimately invited Member States and international organisations to submit further proposals to PPR 12 on regulatory measures. Finally, PPR 11 also considered proposals on the development of a database containing local/regional restrictions/conditions on the discharge water from EGCS in light of evidence of a growing number of local restrictions across the globe. These submissions, notably by ICS and BIMCO, were widely accepted by delegations and the Sub-Committee invited Member States to submit further details on local or regional restrictions.
Source: IAPH