Home / Shipping News / Marine Insurance P&I Club News / Shoreline unveils – MARPOL Detention Costs Insurance (MDCI): An essential new insurance solution when faced with expanded U.S. MARPOL investigations

Shoreline unveils – MARPOL Detention Costs Insurance (MDCI): An essential new insurance solution when faced with expanded U.S. MARPOL investigations

Shoreline, a leading provider of maritime risk solutions, is proud to introduce its innovative new marine insurance product, MARPOL Detention Costs Insurance (MDCI). This essential new insurance policy is specifically designed to address the gaps left in a shipowner’s P&I insurance when faced with a U.S. MARPOL investigation and/or detention.

Captain Thomas Brown, Chief Executive Officer at Shoreline, expressed the motivation behind this groundbreaking product, stating, “In an era of heightened ESG awareness, we are reevaluating how we can enhance the well-being and protect the rights of those who work at sea. With the launch of MDCI, we are taking a significant step toward supporting innocent seafarers and their employers who often find themselves entangled in complex and demanding US legal and regulatory proceedings.”

In recognizing that not all costs and expenses related to these incidents are uninsurable, MDCI is strategically tailored to safeguard those seafarers caught up in expanded U.S. MARPOL investigations, ensuring their social and psychological well-being, whilst narrowing the gap in the shipowners’ P&I cover. Key to this cover is – 24/7 Legal Support: Policyholders will have uninterrupted access to the legal expertise of Chalos & Co., a preeminent U.S. law firm with unparalleled experience in handling MARPOL investigations in the U.S.

Founding partner, George M. Chalos, Esq., underscores the importance of this support, stating, “Having assisted many shipowners, managers and seafarers against aggressive interrogations and protecting their rights and liberties in various proceedings around the U.S. for nearly three decades, I’ve witnessed the need for swift action and expert guidance. This insurance cover provides timely access to experienced professionals, robust advocacy, financial protection and invaluable support during unfamiliar and highly
stressful scrutiny by U.S. investigators and law enforcement.”

Captain Brown further emphasized, “MDCI is engineered to improve outcomes for all parties involved. It provides assurance to the ship’s crew that they are backed by their employer during challenging times, offers recourse to recover legally permitted costs, and assists the USCG to achieve timely resolution of their investigations and prosecutions.”
For more information about Shoreline’s MARPOL Detention Costs Insurance (MDCI), please visit: https://www.shoreline.bm/solutions/marpol-detention-costs-insurance/
Source: Shoreline

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