Increased Security Threats For Vessels Operating In The Gulf Of Guinea
BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and OCIMF warns that as the dry season approaches and sea conditions abate, an increase in attacks in the Gulf of Guinea has traditionally been seen, so maritime security risks to vessels operating in the Gulf of Guinea require renewed attention.
A. BMP West Africa.
B. UKHO Security Chart Q6114/SHOM Chart 8801CSD.
As the dry season approaches and sea conditions abate, an increase in attacks has traditionally been seen, so maritime security risks to vessels operating in the Gulf of Guinea require renewed attention. Masters and crews need to be extra vigilant and ensure all security measures are taken.
To ensure the safety of all vessels and afford best protection to global trade it is vital:
Comply with Flag State Requirements and Guidance.
CSO’s and Masters apply the recommendations in BMP West Africa.
The citadel is equipped with a Satellite telephone (BMP WA Page 22).
Masters familiarise themselves with BMP WA Section 7 (Ships Under Attack).
Masters register with MDAT-GOG when entering the West African VRA (Ref A & B) and if operating inside the VRA, report daily.
Any significant changes to ETA’s should be reflected in Line 6 (Other important Info) of the Daily/Transit Position Report to MDAT-GOG (BMP WA Annex D).
The AIS Policy is clearly defined (BMP WA Page 13). It should be noted the Nigerian Navy arrests any ship found to have switched off their AIS. A decision to switch off AIS should therefore be based on concerns over safety and/or security and recorded in the vessel’s logbook to inform subsequent legal proceedings.
CSO’s ensure all contact numbers for MDAT-GOG are correct – [email protected] and Emergency Tel: +33(0) 298 22 88 88.
Information is protected (BMP WA Page 11).
In the event of any incident or being concerned, Masters should call MDAT-GOG immediately.
If Voyage Plans permit, wait at distance offshore and transit at high speed to arrive at any rendezvous point ‘Just in Time’ including STS and/or Offshore Terminals.
Attacks have previously occurred 200Nm from the coast and the past location of attacks should be considered. Whilst waiting offshore, engines must be ready for immediate manoeuvre.
Some vessels tender a virtual Notice of Readiness (NOR) whilst staying safely offshore, both tendering a virtual NOR and waiting offshore are accepted practice for many vessels operating in the GoG (BMP WA Page 13).
CSO’s and masters should note, pirate gangs also attack in harbour and on loading installations. In addition to COVID 19 restrictions, crew should only leave the vessel if necessary, during their duties. Gangway staff should be briefed and instructed to keep a good look out for suspicious activity.
MDAT-GOG will share information of vessels being attacked with the navies operating in the region. Questions regarding information sharing can be directed to MDAT-GOG.
Source: BIMCO