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Shipping: Emission Possible

SulNOx rises in Japan with new patent

SulNOx, the green fueltech group active in shipping, mining and road transport, has gained a valuable patent in Japan. The UK-listed company, which helps industry reduce emissions, lower fuel costs and meet sustainability targets, adds the patent to others granted for the US, Europe, Eurasia, Georgia, South Africa, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia and Chile. They cover a range of versions of SulNOx conditioners which emulsify water, while increasing lubricity and oxygen availability to fuel, making it burn cleanly and more efficiently. Japan is an important new patent for SulNOx, representing validation in a further G7 economy ...

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C-Job Naval Architects Contributes to Historic Launch of Amogy’s Carbon-Free Ammonia Powered Maritime Vessel

C-Job Naval Architects—a leading global ship designer at the forefront of maritime design and engineering, with real-world expertise in future fuels like hydrogen, methanol and ammonia—is proud to announce its involvement in Amogy’s successful demonstration of the world’s first carbon-free, 100% ammonia-powered maritime vessel. The NH3 Kraken, a tugboat originally constructed in 1957 and retrofitted with Amogy’s ammonia-to-electrical power system, recently took its maiden voyage in upstate New York. For this pioneering retrofit project, C-Job Naval Architects played a crucial role as the ship design partner for Amogy. Leveraging their ...

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Shipping off track to meet 5% zero-emission fuel target by 2030 as new report issues ‘serious wakeup call’

The global shipping industry is not on track to meet its target of having zero-emission fuels account for 5% of all fuels by 2030. That’s according to a new report from the UCL Energy Institute, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, and the Getting to Zero Coalition (a Global Maritime Forum initiative), which they hope will act as a “serious wake-up call” to the industry. The third annual progress report, ‘Progress Towards Shipping’s 2030 Breakthrough’, warns that the majority of actors across the maritime ecosystem – which spans the five ‘system ...

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European Shipowners Call For Stronger Measures To Accelerate Clean Fuel Uptake In Shipping

The Draghi report identifies shipping as one the most difficult sectors to decarbonise, requiring annual investments of 40 billion Euro. It stresses that building a supply chain for alternative fuels is critical for the EU to meet its climate targets. In a position paper released today, European Shipowners put forward their recommendations to support the uptake of clean fuels in shipping. The ‘Fit for 55’ package and the recent historic IMO agreement on Greenhouse Gas Strategy have set clear targets for shipping to reach net-zero by 2050. To meet its ...

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New study reveals EU regulations will boost economic value of methanol in shipping

A new White Paper prepared for the Methanol Institute by Dr Jeroen Dierickx, an energy and fuel expert at iDefossilise, concludes that the FuelEU Maritime Regulation and EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) will create a level playing field for bio- and e-methanol, making them economically competitive compared to fossil marine fuels. Under the EU’s Fit for 55 regulatory package, vessel operators are incentivized to transition to these sustainable fuels through significant penalties levied on continued fossil fuel use. For fuel producers, the regulations offer a stable, long-term framework from 2024 ...

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HIF Global announces e-Fuels project in Brazil

HIF Global, the world’s leading e-Fuels company, announced its first project in Brazil, after signing today a land reservation contract with Port of Açu, one of Brazil’s main ports, to develop a facility to produce up to 800,000 tons per year of e-Methanol. Pursuant to the land reservation contract formalized at a ceremony held during the energy fair ROG.e in Rio de Janeiro, HIF Global reserves a large area within the complex of Port of Açu to develop its e-Methanol facility. The port will provide support in several aspects related ...

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Prioritising maritime data for a decarbonised future

A recent survey by Houlder shed light on a crucial issue: the scarcity of relevant operational data is hampering the maritime industry’s ability to make sound investment decisions, especially when it comes to adopting innovative technologies. To transition towards a lower carbon future, shipowners must shift from quick fixes to a strategic, long-term approach that includes detailed evaluation of performance data, assessment of new technologies, and detection of fleet-wide trends. Data: The foundation for decarbonisation Accurate performance data is not just a tool, it’s a foundation for fostering trust between ...

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Harnessing wind power for the next generation of sustainable shipping

With annual international shipping CO₂ emissions doubling since 1990 and now accounting for roughly 10% of global transportation emissions, the maritime shipping sector sits at a crossroads in the fight against climate change. Players across the global shipping industry must find new ways to embrace and deliver decarbonisation efforts that shift to a better world. Among the most promising innovations is wind-assisted ship propulsion (WASP), a blend of traditional sailing practices with modern engineering. Wind-assisted vessels incorporate rigid sails, rotors or wing-like structures to enhance traditional engine power. The result ...

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DNV Awards Type Approval Design Certification to Hanwha Ocean’s Rotor Sail Technology

DNV has awarded Hanwha Ocean Type Approval Design Certification (TADC) for its innovative rotor sail technology, the first certification of a rotor sail approved for installation in hazardous zones in South Korea. The TADC, issued by DNV, confirms that Hanwha Ocean’s Rotor Sail, designed with composite materials, is in line with DNV and internation safety standards, guidelines and regulations and ready for practical application on commercial vessels. The certification process involved detailed design reviews and assessments, ensuring that the rotor sail meets the rigorous standards for real-world deployment. Son, Young-chang, ...

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Amogy Sails World’s First Carbon-Free Ammonia Powered Maritime Vessel

Amogy, a provider of mature, scalable, and efficient ammonia-to-power solutions, today announced that the world’s first carbon-free, ammonia-powered maritime vessel successfully completed its maiden voyage. The NH3 Kraken, a tugboat originally constructed in 1957 and retrofitted with Amogy’s ammonia-to-electrical power system, sailed on a tributary of the Hudson River, upstream from New York City. This demonstration is a significant step towards reducing global carbon emissions and moving the maritime industry closer to the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) target of net-zero emissions by 2050. It proves both the viability of Amogy’s ...

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ABS Approves New Autonomous Technologies from HD Hyundai for Ammonia-Fueled Ships

At Gastech 2024, ABS awarded approval in principle for two new autonomous technologies from HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). Unmanned Ammonia Engine Room for Ammonia-Fueled Ship Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety Package for Unmanned Engine Room for Ammonia-Fueled Ship The AIPs are the culmination of a joint development project, part of a comprehensive memorandum of understanding between ABS and HD Hyundai to advance the development of autonomous navigation technology into critical vessel machinery and safety systems. “This is another exciting milestone for ...

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Café William announces voyage of largest sailing cargo ship in modern history, revolutionizing sustainable maritime transport

Today, Café William, a Canadian company whose passion for good coffee extends beyond the cup, announced the inaugural voyage of a new sailing cargo ship, transporting the equivalent of 50 shipping containers of green coffee beans, including those from the ANEI cooperative in Colombia, to Québec. Joining forces with TransOceanic Wind Transport (TOWT), an organization that aims to decarbonize maritime transport through wind-powered sailing cargo ships, Café William will transport 10 times more beans than its trial voyage in December 2023 for the company’s Wind Series and other sustainable-focused offerings. ...

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6PAC+ Delegation in London for Critical IMO Climate Discussions

The 6PAC+ alliance, comprised of Pacific and Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) representatives from Belize, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu have arrived in London in preparation for the Intersessional Working Group on Greenhouse Gases (ISWG-GHG 17) meeting and the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 82) meeting. The stakes at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are high. In July 2023, the IMO unanimously adopted a Strategy that set a clear target to phase out GHG emissions from international shipping by mid-century. ...

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Why is the shipping industry not decarbonizing faster?

The year 2050 might seem distant, yet in the context of the green transition of global supply chains, the deadline is rapidly approaching. Decisions being made now are ones that will determine the shipping sector’s ability to decarbonize and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Global trade is highly dependent on fossil fuels. Indeed, there are container vessels being built today for sailing on fossil fuels for decades to come. It is clear that our industry needs mechanisms that can bridge the transition from fossil-based to low emissions fuels without causing ...

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INTERCARGO Calls for Simplicity in Shipping Decarbonization Measures

INTERCARGO, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners, reaffirms its commitment to sustainable shipping by advocating for straightforward mid-term measures in the industry’s decarbonization efforts. The association, representing one of the most efficient cargo transportation sectors globally, emphasized the critical need for practicable solutions to ensure effective implementation of emissions reduction strategies. Key Points: Support for Integrated Framework: INTERCARGO endorses in principle the updated joint proposal by Bahamas, Liberia, and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) for an “IMO net-zero framework.” Simplified Pricing Mechanism: Backing a flat-rate contribution per tonne ...

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